As an admin, you can always see everyone's goals in the organization. Please follow the steps below.

Step 1. Select My Org from the drop-down menu.

Step 2. Click on the numbers next to each member and the list of goals will expand.


If you want other (non-admin) to have access to the 'My Org' menu, you need to create a permission with the following capability and assign it to them.

Steps to create and assign this permission to people.

Step 1. Go to  Settings --> Permissions


Step 2. Click on  + New Permission.


Step 3. Give a title to the new permission that you are about to create.



Step 4. Select the following capability and Save.



Step 5. You will see new permission being created. Just assign this to the desired users.

Unfortunately, we do not have a way to bulk assign permission to everyone hence, you may need to contact us and we will do that for you from our end.
