Yes, it is possible to make the reviews visible and have them sign-off one at a time.

In order to achieve this please follow the steps mentioned below:

Step1: Keep the Manager review visibility disabled for all employees by default from Performance --> Cycle settings. This will give you an option to make the review visible to employees and have them sign-off one by one.


Step2: Do not set any date for the Sign-off process to initiate which will allow the system to show the sign-off option to employees as soon as Manager review is made visible to them. Go to Cycle Timeline and remove the existing date.



Step3: Now go to Org dashboard and search the employee for whom you want the manager review to be visible to --> Click on the 'Make Manager review Visible to Employee' action under the 'Status' column --> select the check-box appearing on the left to the employee name and hit the SHOW button.

**If you want the Managers to make their reviews visible to employees from team dashboard similar to the HR Managers, you can opt for the following option in the cycle settings.


Step 4: As soon as you make the manager review visible to the employee, they will get the pending Sign-off notification on their Dashboard. They can now see the manager's review and will get an option to Sign-off.