Status Update

When Someone shares a status post

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Status\Alexus Smith has shared a status update.png

When Someone likes your status post

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Status\Bethzy Jones liked your post.png

When Someone comments on your status post

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Status\Araceli Williams commented on your post.png

When Someone likes your comment on somebody’s status post.

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Status\Bethzy Jones liked your comment on Alexus Smith s post.png

Knowledge Share

When Someone shares a knowledge post

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Knowledge\Alexus Smith has shared a knowledge post.png

When Someone comments on a knowledge post shared by you

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Knowledge\Araceli Williams commented on your shared knowledge post.png

When Someone likes your knowledge post

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Knowledge\Pankaj kr Singh liked your shared knowledge post.png

When Someone likes your comment on somebody’s knowledge post.

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Knowledge\Deepak A liked your comment on a shared knowledge post.png

Help Requests

When someone asks for your help

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Help\ask for help post.png

When someone comments on your help request

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Help\comments on your help request.png

When someone likes your help request

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Help\Liked you help request.png   

When someone likes your comment on a help request

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Help\Alexus Smith liked your comment on a help request.png

When your comments are acknowledged for a help request

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Help\Alexus Smith has acknowledged your help.png

Idea Shared

When a new idea is shared with you

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Idea\Alexus Smith has shared an idea with you.png

When someone comments on your shared idea

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Idea\Braylon Brown commented on your idea.png

When someone likes your comment on an idea post.

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Idea\Araceli Williams liked your comment on Alexus Smith s idea.png

When someone up-votes your shared idea

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Idea\someone up-vote your idea.png

When someone down-votes your shared idea

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Idea\someone downvotes your idea.png


When you are praised

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Praise\you have been praised.png

When someone is praised

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Praise\When someone praises someone.png

When someone comments on a praise post where you were praised

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Praise\someone commented on a post where you have been praised.png

When someone comments on a praise post that you have shared

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Praise\commented on prasie shared by you.png

When someone likes a praise post where you were praised

C:\Users\Chan\Desktop\DESKTOP ITEMS\Notifications\Social\Praise\someone liked your praise post.png

When someone like a praise post that you have shared