Kindly follow the steps below to bulk upload the users.

Step 1:

Go to Settings -> Import Users (Below screenshot is from old UI)

Under Users/Groups>> Import Users.

Step 2:

Download the format, update the user details and save the file then upload the file from your computer and click on "Upload". 

IMPORTANT NOTE: For any profile update the mandatory fields/columns are First Name, Last Name, and Email Id (Employee). Please make sure to fill these details in the import file (Excel) before you upload it.

Step 3:

Once you click on upload, you will be able to preview the uploaded file. Please do not forget to select the "Update existing users" checkbox when you are updating data for existing users.

Step 4:

Verify and Map all the data fields accordingly as shown below. The data fields which are not required to be mapped choose "Select".

Step 5:

Once you map all the data fields, please select the "Import" option in order to upload the user data into the application.