Please find the below information on the check-ins timeline.

Recurring Check-ins

  • Check-ins go to Pending State 3 days before the due date/start date. This is when the pending action is created and the system allows the users to check-in their inputs. The users will receive an email notification daily until the due date is over.
  • After the due date is passed the Check-in goes to Overdue State (next day of the due date). The users will receive an email notification daily until the check-in goes to the Missed state.
  • Check-ins are allowed to be submitted until the next pending action is generated for the next recurrence period. After that, the Check-ins go to Missed State and checking in for the previous period is not allowed anymore.

One-Time Check-ins

  • Check-in goes to Pending State 3 days before the due date/check-in date, the users will receive an email notification daily until the due date is over.
  • Check-in goes to Overdue State after the due date (and remains in Overdue state for 2 weeks), the users will receive an email notification daily until the check-in goes to the missed state.
  • Check-in is allowed to be submitted - Until 2 weeks after the due date (Overdue Period).
  • Check-in Goes to Missed State - After 2 weeks of the due date (After the Overdue Period).